Birding Resources:
Click on the image to open the organization’s webpage.

The following sites have been identified by members as excellent resources of information about birds found in the north Texas. This page is organized in four sections:
– Injured Wildlife Resources
– Community Supporters

– Birding Resource Partners
– Seasonal Checklists for Tarrant County Bird Observations

Injured Wildlife Resources

Community Supporters

If you shop at Kroger, you can select our chapter to receive rewards.

Reliant Energy Program gives back to Audubon through the Reliant EcoShare program. Reliant Energy customers have a simple way to support the environment and lower their carbon footprint, as well as support FWAS. This program involves the customers of Reliant purchasing carbon offsets and contributing to EarthShare of Texas. 100% of a Reliant customer’s donation going to EarthShare is distributed to EarthShare members because Reliant covers all administrative costs. FWAS is one of those EarthShare members, and one of a very few Audubon chapters that those funds are divided out amongst, which means your participation really does have a direct impact on our organization.

Birding Resource Partners

If you see birds or other wildlife being harassed or harmed, click on this image to report the incident to the USFW Service.
Click on this image to see latest eBird Reports for our area.
A private Facebook group where rare bird observations are shared.

eBird is the worlds largest biodiversity science project where millions of bird watchers submit their observations allowing others to track data.
Your online guide to Bird Watching
Volunteers monitor & report health of nesting across our region.
Using radar to forecast how many birds would be aloft over the United States.
Identify the bird you see or hear with Merlin Bird ID mobile application. Free on Google Play Store and Apple App store.

Visit this website for descriptions and photos of birds seen in North Texas.

Seasonal Checklists for birders

Planning a visit to our area?
Download a Bird Checklist PDF for Tarrant County, Texas, for Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. We also offer a 12-month Birds of Tarrant County Field Checklist and Graph Table of Occurrence booklet which we will gladly mail to you. We will invoice you for the booklet at $5.00 each (includes mailing fees.) Click on the “Contact Us” button to order. Enjoy your visit!