OUR MISSION: The Mission of the Fort Worth Audubon Society is to promote awareness, appreciation and understanding of birds and other wildlife while preserving and protecting their natural habitat.
Monthly General Meetings are held September through May on the second Thursday of each month. The meetings are free and open to all who wish to attend. Meeting time: Program starts at 7:00PM. Refreshments and socializing are available starting at 6:30 PM. Meeting Location: Two ways to join the monthly meetings: In Person and on-line on Zoom In Person: UNT Health & Science Center RES Bldg., Room 100 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth. Click here for School Map.
Virtual (streaming) via Zoom: Click on the Orange button below. The meeting room will be opened at about 6:30PM.
The March 13, 2025, meeting will be both live in-person and streamed on Zoom. The program is How a Grant Expedited Invasive Species Control, Community Partnership, & Opportunities for Interns presented by Michelle Villafranca, City of Fort Worth Park Operations and Natural Resource Planner. Michelle will discuss how, for a decade, the city has partnered with the Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area to eradicate invasive plant species to save this urban prairie.

Note: Ft. Worth Audubon has invited the members of the Native Prairies Association of Texas to this meeting. Our Membership Chair, Joy Havner, is asking our own members to ‘bring a friend’ to the meeting as well. Joy will have wildflower seed packets to hand out to attendees.

Field Trips and Local Monthly Birding Walks
Tom Haase is our Field Trip Chairperson for the 2023-2024 Season. Do you have a suggestion for a local or Overnight destination birding trip? Let Tom know. Use the Contact Us section and Tom will get in touch with you.
Trip is currently FULL !
4/15 to 4/19/2025
Spring Fieldtrip:
Lower Rio Grand Valley
5-day excursion / Trip is currently FULL!
Tom Haase added a local bird walk for Saturday, March, 29, 2025. to explore Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center. Read more in our Event Calendar.
Local Monthly Bird Walks
Click on the Trip titles that are underlined for more details about each trip.
- 1st Friday Feathers – Kelly Park, Arlington
- 2nd Saturday – Foster Park, Ft. Worth
- 2nd Wednesday – Village Creek Drying Beds, Arlington
- 3rd Tuesday – Oliver Park, Mansfield
- 3rd Friday (February thru June ONLY) – Prairie Walk at Sid Richardson Tract (lake Benbrook)
Local Quarterly
Bird Walks
These walks are held at various times during the year. Go to the Events Calendar to see the dates or click on the Field Trip List button below.
Trinity Bird Walk / Clearfork Trinity River in Fort Worth.
Parr Park in Grapevine.
General Meetings
The next General Meeting is on Thursday night at 7:00 PM on March 13, 2025. The program is described above and in our Events Calendar. Please remember several of our former meetings are posted on YouTube channel. Click Here to visit our channel.
NOTE: PLAN AHEAD!!! The annual Member’s Slide Show meeting will be on April 10, 2025. The Speaker originally scheduled for April has asked if he could join us at the May, 2025, meeting. Jim Jones will send out a request for photos and videos in early 2025.
Ft. Worth Audubon Grants
Each year, the Fort Worth Audubon Society awards grants to organizations that support our mission of promoting awareness, appreciation and understanding of birds and other wildlife while preserving their natural habitat. Find more detailed information on our Grants Page. Download and complete the FWAS Grants Form Application for 2024-2025.
Injured Bird?
Have you found a wounded or orphaned bird or other animal? Please visit our Birding Resources page for contact information
Local Hot Spots
Tarrant County occupies nearly 900 square miles in the northeast central region of TX. It is blessed by a wide variety of habitats and geographical zones including: eastern and western cross-timbers, grand prairie, Blackland Prairie, and post oak savannah. Observers have recorded over 370 species of birds in Tarrant County (about 63% of all species documented for Texas.) Our members have many favorite birding locations which are shown on a Google map layer. Click here to view the map.
News for Birders
The official proclamation by the city of Fort Worth took place at the May 14th, 2024 City Council meeting. Click here to watch the ceremony section on YouTube. Please use fast-forward to go to minute 19:45 for the Bluebird announcement.

During the school year 2023-2024, almost 20 Ft. Worth ISD elementary schools took part in selecting the Official Bird of the City. The FWISD Elementary Science Department worked with Ft. Worth Audubon to choose 6 bird species frequently seen in the city. The species included Barred Owl, Red-shouldered Hawk, Great Egret, Carolina Chickadee, Eastern Bluebird and Red-bellied Hawk. The 4th and 5th grade students then prepared a presentation for their assigned species explaining why it should represent our city. Then, in March, students and parents viewed the presentation videos and voted on the winner.
Trip Report for Dual State Birding Trip, Sep. 24 to Sep. 27, 2023
Acreage opened to public on
Lake Benbrook shoreline
Last Fall, The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers updated the 1972 Master Plan for lands surrounding Lake Benbrook. The new Master Plan designates more than 1,100 acres as Environmentally Sensitive Areas for preservation. There is a very good article about the new designation on the GreenSourceDFW website. FWAS member Suzanne Tuttle will be leading a new Prairie Walk four times a year to the Sid Richardson Tract on the southeast shoreline of the lake (just east of Mustag Park.)

The 2023 Challenge is over. Visit the website listed below to see a list of winners. Want to participate in 2024? Share your sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, tips, choices, volunteering, cool DIY projects and post on a social media website. Make sure to use the hashtag #MyEarthMyTexas starting April 1st and ending April 22.
Follow @earthsharetexas for all the updates and useful tips! To be eligible for prizes, register your handle for free
at www.earthshare-texas.org/my-earth-my-texas

Migratory Bird Conservation Bill passed by the Senate
The Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act has been passed in the Senate! This legislation would reauthorize and enhance the bipartisan Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, which protects the habitats of migratory birds all along their seasonal routes. Now the president must sign it into law. Read more here….
2024 Grant Awards
Three $1,000 grants were awarded
- UNT Dept of Biological Science – Kestrel habitat study radio transmitters
- Fort Worth Zoo – signage for bird and native plants area.
- River Legacy Nature Center – feeders and birdbaths
A new travel book about wildlife and nature destinations was recently made available. The book, Wild DFW: Explore the Amazing Nature Around Dallas – Fort Worth by Amy Martin offers a natural history, ecology, and geography of North Texas. FWAS has a featured role in the section on the Village Creek Drying Beds. For more information and where to buy, go to: https://wild-dfw.com.
Conservation at the Fort Worth Prairie Park
Fort Worth Audubon Society offers three $1,000 grant recipients each year. One of the recipients, the Great Plains Restoration Council, has already put the money to good use and sent us a wonderful report full of great pictures. Their project was grassland nesting bird habitat restoration through diversity and inclusion community engagement.
Photo journal Fort Worth Prairie Project – place pointer on photo for description of activity.
Use your mouse ‘wheel’ to scroll through photos.
Member’s Photo Gallery – Use your mouse ‘wheel’ to scroll through photos.
Member’s Photo Gallery
Partners in our Mission
The Fort Worth Audubon Society shares the resources of several organizations whose mission is similar to ours. These resources provide information about birds and the habitats located in North Central Texas. Included are affilieate Audubon Society organizarions, rare bird alerts and Birds of North Central Texas. In addition, we consider the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, EarthShare of Texas and the Native Plant Society our partners. Website visitors can access our partner information by clicking “Birding Resources”.